Communication and IR
Communication for corporations and organizations. Carrara helps you build a sustainable core story that can be developed over time and in relation to different needs.
We are specialized in financial communication, investor relations, media relations, corporate communication, change communication and crisis management.
Successful IR is about creating trust in a company on the stock market. Good IR should give the “right price” for the share in the long term. To build a story that is then consistently followed up.
Leadership development
As advisors we have focused on the following two areas:
- Coaching, Mentorship and Change management
- Leadership and organisational development
As certified coaches with extensive experience from different business sectors as well as the public sector, we are able to give support to both individuals and groups. We have been active on an operational level and as consultants in many different capacities in different companies. In many projects we analyze, plan and implement leadership and organisational development.